The Personality Dimensions® Toolkit series has been created with the busy facilitator in mind. You can customize a PD workshop, complete with PowerPoint® slides and relevant handouts, in less than half an hour!
There are eight titles available in the Personality Dimensions® Toolkit series:
- Teambuilding
- Leadership Development
- Career Building
- Work-Life Balance
- Sales, Marketing and Customer Service
- Learning Styles and Strategies
- Conflict Management
- Retirement
Each Toolkit provides…
- a workshop outline relevant to the workshop theme
- a quick overview of a basic Personality Dimensions® workshop
- basic Personality Dimensions® handouts
- handouts specific to the workshop theme
- a customized PowerPoint® presentation
- several exercises, tailored to the workshop theme, for:
- getting started (icebreakers)
- intensifying the temperaments (brightening)
- working together and embracing differences (blending)
- developing the least-preferred style (stretching)
Recognizing that we all like to individualize our workshops, this package also includes a CD with the PowerPoint® presentation and masters of workshop handouts that you can customize to meet the objectives of your clients. Each Toolkit provides facilitator’s notes for each activity, complete with learning objectives and detailed instructions. Many exercises include tips for customizing and suggested variations; all exercises include instructions for debriefing.
One of the best features of the Toolkits is the time that they save you in producing your own workshops. This is time that you could be using to promote your services or conduct programs – and time is money. Workshop preparation can often take up as much as a week of your time – but the Toolkits have it all, from complete activity outlines to a beautifully designed, professional PowerPoint® presentation.
The real bonus to you is that you can go back to your existing clients with totally new focuses and sets of outcomes. You can generate repeat business with relative ease – an introductory ½ day workshop, followed by a ½ day team day, followed by a ½ day leadership development or sales/marketing/customer service focus, followed up with a ½ day on balance. Four sessions with one client, with whom you have an established rapport, is easier to book than 4 separate introductory sessions with 4 new clients!