Discover the power of self-awareness by understanding yourself and the people around you.
Personality Dimensions® gives you valuable insights into your values, needs, and wants; everything that makes up your personality. Based on widely embraced theories in psychology, and backed by decades of research, Personality Dimensions® has become a favourite personality assessment in Canada and around the world.
Personality Dimensions® has been experienced by millions of people around the world. As foundation of self awareness, it sets the stage for personal and professional development. Using colours, symbols, and descriptors, it provides a common language for understanding and appreciating differences.
Through a process of self-discovery, Personality Dimensions® will help you learn more about yourself, discover how to communicate better with your family, friends and colleagues, and make more informed choices in all areas of your life, and realize your full potential.
Canada & World
Career/LifeSkills Resources Inc.
Hong Kong, China, & Macau
Dr. Motivate
Canada & World
Career/LifeSkills Resources Inc.
Hong Kong, China, & Macau
Dr. Motivate
Canada & World
Career/LifeSkills Resources Inc.
Hong Kong, China, & Macau
Dr. Motivate