Shift Happens – whether we like it or not…..
As Albert Einstein said, “There is only one constant in this universe, and that constant is CHANGE.”
CHANGE can be a challenge. Whether that CHANGE is job loss, retirement, health, financial, relationships, or what is going on in our universe, wars, politics or basic rights being threatened – CHANGE can have a significant effect on you.
There are no rules with CHANGE, only choices. Is the change good or bad? What effects will it have on you, and others? You might choose to avoid or ignore it. And what of the range of emotions that come with CHANGE, such as anger, depression, frustration and sadness. Don’t assume CHANGE will affect others the same way as it affects you. Some move through it easily, others not so much.
We don’t all agree on the solutions, or the logistics, or the remedies. Each Dimension experiences and reacts to CHANGE differently. In order to be a more effective change agent, you must understand your own orientation to CHANGE. No one Dimension adapts to CHANGE better or worse overall than any other. Each has its own unique strengths and challenges.
Resourceful Oranges are oriented and anchored in the here and now. Their perspective is PERFORMING, which is essential in the change process to ensure ideas are being implemented in a practical way. Resourceful Oranges are comfortable with change and ready to adapt to and actively engaged in making change happen.
Organized Golds are oriented and anchored by their experiences and are focused on recalling and preserving what has happened in the past. Their perspective is PRESERVING, which is essential in the change process to ensure that what has worked well in the past is not lost in the new ways. Organized Golds are comfortable with the idea of continuous improvement; building on and enhancing what work, and that the changes will improve the status quo.
Inquiring Greens are oriented and anchored by logical reasoning and an examination of possibilities. Their perspective is PREDICTING, which is essential in the change process. They ensure the changes being planned and implemented and are reasonable and forward-thinking. Inquiring Greens look to improve systems and processes; they are focused on the long-term effects and the benefits of change.
Authentic Blues are oriented and anchored by meaningful relationships, authenticity and the potential to promote personal growth for themselves and others. Their perspective is PROMOTING and can contribute to change by assessing, vocalizing and championing the needs of the people involved. Authentic Blues are focused on people and collaboration and want to see that it will make things better. They get excited about the new opportunities.
CHANGE requires creativity, risk, courage, a sense of humour, patience and commitment and communication.
Learn to embrace CHANGE.
Thrive on CHANGE.
Look for the possibilities that CHANGE can offer. Don’t just let SHIFT happen.
Susan Patterson is a Personality Dimensions® Master Trainer, Business Owner, Retirement Coach, Author, and Workshop Facilitator. She is still running. She can be contacted through LinkedIn at