Personality Dimensions® is all about creating a common language of understanding; but how can you have a common language of understanding if you don’t understand the language? To help solve this, we created the following list way back in 2002 when Personality Dimensions® was still going through its focus group testing phase. As a Certified Trainer you probably have seen this before on page 95 in your copy of Building Blocks to a Personality Dimensions Introductory Workshop, 2nd Edition. We have found that this handout is especially useful when delivering a workshop using PD Basics materials, as well as PD @ School, and PD for Youth. Do you think this list covers it all, or are there other terms we should add to it? Let us know in the comments below.
Abstract – something not clear or concrete (see concepts and theories)
Accommodating – flexible; cooperative; willing to please
Accomplishments – things you have done or achieved; goals reached
Accordingly – to meet the situation; to be appropriate
Acknowledging – pointing out; calling attention to; recognizing
Advocate – one who stands up or fights for others; a supporter
Aloof – snobbish; unfriendly; distant; cold
Analyzing – looking at something closely; investigating it and figuring it out
Authentic – true; real; genuine
Authority – boss; in charge or control; rule-maker
Betrayed – cheated; lied; been disloyal
Charismatic – warm; likeable; charming; able to get people to like you
Clarify – make clearly understood
Committed – devoted to; promised to; secure in
Compassionate – caring; supportive; kind, warm; sympathetic
Compelled – to feel obligated or forced to do something by a feeling inside us
Competence – skilled in, or good at something
Competitive – meeting challenges from others; compete; go against
Complex – difficult; detailed; puzzling
Compromise – an agreement that pleases everyone and usually requires some giving in on both parts
Concepts – idea; theory; view; something not concrete
Concise – brief and to the point
Contributions – things we give – time, money, ideas, labour, etc.
Convincing – able to bring people to your way of thinking
Debate – a friendly argument; discussing two different sides of an issue
Dedication – loyalty; commitment; sticking with it
Democratic – a process where everyone’s opinion is heard and considered
Empathetic – understanding how someone else feels
Ensuring – making sure that
Enthusiastically – with a lot of energy, excitement and a positive feeling
Entrepreneurial – interested in and capable of running your own business
Ethics – knowing right from wrong and choosing to do right; morals; standards
Generous – very giving; likes to give lots of things to others
Global View – a big picture view; not specific or detailed
Impact – having an effect or making a difference
Implicit – something that doesn’t need to be said; it is clearly implied or hinted at Impulsive acting quickly on a gut feeling
Innate – in-born; something that you were born with; that comes naturally
Innovation – fresh; new; original ideas Insensitive not aware of or worried about others’ feelings
Intellect – brain, mind or understanding
Interactive – communication and action between two or more people Intuition a feeling that leads to an idea, a hunch, an instinct
Life-long Learner – one who takes courses or learns new things on their own all their life
Mediator – one who helps others solve problems without taking sides; a peacemaker
Meticulous – very careful, neat and exact; looking out for important details
Minimal – as little or few as possible
Modifications – slight or minor changes to something
Motivator – one who can encourage and excite others to carry on
Multi-tasker – one who does a lot of things at the same time, or jumps back and forth easily between different tasks
Mutual Respect – people respect each other; I respect you and you respect me
Negotiator – one who is good at getting the best deal, or reaching the best solution by talking and bargaining
Objective – fair; neutral; not taking sides
Optimistic – look on the bright side or look for positive things
Passionately – with a lot of strong feeling and excitement
Perpetual – constant; endless; ongoing
Persuasive – able to make people agree with your ideas or opinions
Potential – possible; promising skill or talent not yet developed
Practicality – sensible usefulness or benefit
Precise – exact; accurate
Principled – follow a strict guide to moral behaviour; do the right thing
Procedures – a guideline for how things should be done
Rationale – the reason behind something; “why” it is
Redundancy – unnecessary routine or repetitiveness; repeating the same thing again and again; repeating the same thing again and again
Resourceful – having good ideas for using what is available or getting what is needed
Restrictive – too many rules, limits, or boundaries
Revel – really enjoy; delight in
Security – feeling safe and stable
Self Actualization – being the best that you can possibly be; being your idea of perfect
Semantics – differences between very specific meanings of words and phrases
Sensitive – easily pick up unspoken messages from others and interpret the meaning
Sentimental – warm, touching feelings; having great meaning for you
Solitary – alone; by one’s self
Spontaneous – do quickly without thinking it through; acting on impulse
Tactile – touching; hands-on; physical
Tangents – things not related to the topic being discussed
Tenacious – stubborn; determined; insistent
Theories – ideas not based on solid facts
Trustworthy – honest; able to live up to the trust others put in you
Unique – one of a kind; special; not like all the others
Visionary – one who has good ideas about how things could be in the future
2 Responses
I would just like to say that I find the Word Definitions Sheet to be really helpful when presenting the PD Workshop. I find the word list lines up with the words used in the Power Point and throughout the assessments. Thank you for the work put in to this document.
In working with parents, the term “resilience” comes up frequently.