August is a busy month for vacations and it got me thinking about how the four #PersonalityDimensions like to spend their time off. With a couple of my coworkers away, leaving me with few opportunities to get into trouble, I started looking through some old files and notes. I came across a great stretching exercise that looks at vacation planning and personality stereotypes. I won’t get into the details of it, but essentially you gather groups together sorted by their palest/least preferred colour, and answer the question “what is your palest colour’s ideal vacation?” Groups then present their ideas to people that have that as their primary colour and discuss where they hit the nail on the head or missed the mark.
Turning again to my notes, I found a few gems scratched down:
- Not all #InquiringGreens want to spend all day at a museum (especially #Extroverts), at educational conferences, or with their nose in a book.
- Some #ResourcefulOrances like skydiving and mountain climbing, but most just want to experience new things.
- While #OrganizedGolds value organization and structure, a laminated itinerary and a tight schedule aren’t necessary. Generally, they want to know what’s happening next.
- Spending an entire vacation socializing with others doesn’t cut it for all #AuthenticBlues. (The #Introverts are quietly nodding in agreement) Taking part in creative activities is a favourite.
Because We Are All Plaid, our other colours will influence our choices and show us how to be flexible when vacationing with others. So what’s your ideal vacation? Imagine you have an unlimited budget and unlimited time; let us know in the comments below your #PersonalityDimensions and your ideal vacation.
Brad Whitehorn – BA, CCDP is the Sales & Marketing Coordinator at CLSR Inc. He was thrown into the career development field headfirst after completing a Communications degree in 2005, and hasn’t looked back! Since then, Brad has worked on the development, implementation and certification for various career and personality assessments (including Personality Dimensions®), making sure that Career Development Practitioners get the right tools to best serve their clients
4 Responses
As an extroverted green, I enjoy a cruise. I can participate in activities, see the entertainment, enjoy the view, or explore the island ports. This makes it ideal for my introverted green husband who enjoys exploring on our own rather than an organized activity.
As an extroverted green, I enjoy a cruise. I can participate in activities, see the entertainment, enjoy the view, or explore the island ports. This makes it ideal for my introverted green husband who enjoys exploring on our own rather than an organized activity.
Because I am an Organized Gold, with quite a bit of Inquiring Green going on, I would find this task a bit challenging. The unlimited budget is nice, but I actually prefer the parameters of a fixed amount of money so that I can design my vacation, knowing how much I will spend on each activity. The same goes for the time – I want to schedule and plan the things I will see, so this idea of no fixed beginning and end can be a bit daunting. My ideal vacation would include visiting a number of places like museums and art galleries, where I can plan how long I would like to visit and what the “theme” might be (i.e. exploring the history of jazz in New Orleans). My time is valuable, so I don’t want to waste it while I am away.
Because I am an Organized Gold, with quite a bit of Inquiring Green going on, I would find this task a bit challenging. The unlimited budget is nice, but I actually prefer the parameters of a fixed amount of money so that I can design my vacation, knowing how much I will spend on each activity. The same goes for the time – I want to schedule and plan the things I will see, so this idea of no fixed beginning and end can be a bit daunting. My ideal vacation would include visiting a number of places like museums and art galleries, where I can plan how long I would like to visit and what the “theme” might be (i.e. exploring the history of jazz in New Orleans). My time is valuable, so I don’t want to waste it while I am away.