Did you know that we have been collecting Personality Dimensions® workshop statistics for over 10 years? We ask that every time you conduct an Introductory or Application Session that your keep track of your participants’ Primary Colours, and Introversion/Extraversion preference. You can find a convenient form on the disk included with your Building Blocks/Manual to do this. Statistics can then be faxed in to 905-760-0113, or emailed to stats@clsr.ca. You can also submit your statistics through the web at http://www.personalitydimensions.com/#!submit-your-statistics/cyo7. Once received at our office, our PD Stats Robot (patent pending) diligently processes and categorizes every number and colour submitted! Also remember to submit your statistics even if you are administering Personality Dimensions® Online. Remember that the assessment component isn’t the final word on an individual’s primary colour, especially if scores are close; clarification also comes from the Brightening Group exercises in a workshop.

Why do we collect statistics? Collecting workshop statistics allows us to do further research on the reliability and validity of Personality Dimensions®. If you look at the Primary Colour Breakdowns over the past 10 years, you will notice very little change with them over time. Full statistics for the Canadian market are published every year in July and are posted at: http://www.personalitydimensions.com/#!published-statistics/c1rkp
Collecting workshop statistics also helps us in creating new products. For example, the job categories found in Career Dimensions™ were taken directly from the statistics reported to us by Certified Trainers. Your statistics also helped us in developing the recently released PD for Youth™.
Next time you run a Personality Dimensions® workshop don’t forget to send us your workshop statistics.
“It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.”
~George Bernard Shaw