Personality Dimensions Pandemic Pastimes

What an interesting time we live in! There have been so many changes in our lives in the last 16 months or so and for some of us that means that we’ve become less and less connected than we otherwise would be. The same is true of our Personality Dimensions extended family.

So… I asked our active Personality Dimensions Master Trainers to take a few minutes and put together a brief note that could be posted on the various Personality Dimension online groups. It didn’t need to be any ‘latest and greatest’ tips and tricks; it could be a fond memory of something that happened at one of their Personality Dimensions workshops, or perhaps an “Aha moment” that has stayed with them. Or they could just let the rest of us know what they’ve been up to during the pandemic.

Over the next several weeks we will be sharing with you their responses. The first person to respond was Wayne Jones and he has shared with us some insights into what he has been doing during the pandemic. Enjoy this brief insight into Wayne’s world.

This is an open invitation – we want to hear your Personality Dimension stories and special moments too.

Yours, from the back office,


Being an Introverted, Organized Gold individual, my mind immediately went to two places:

  • what is Denise’s deadline on this delightful task (so I can submit it ahead of time and check it off my “to do” list?
  • what is the best organizational format that will allow me to be succinct, yet somewhat pithy?

I decided, then, to divide this brief summary into two sections: Professional and Personal.


Like most of you, my professional interests are diverse, and Personality Dimensions certainly holds a key position in that portfolio. I enjoyed doing some virtual online training with Sandra Summerhayes. Lifelong learning is so important! As Henry Ford said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”  I recently was asked to be one of the speakers for the 2021 Virtual Conference of the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education. My webinar “Victorious Living! Victorious Parenting!” was based on temperament and has now been posted to YouTube. All conference participants received a parent toolkit package which included a copy of our book “Great Parenting Skills for Navigating Your Kid’s Personality”.

My other professional role is a Faculty Advisor with Nipissing University, in which I monitor the progress of 24 students, about half of whom will enter the teaching profession next September. With the many changes in the Ontario educational landscape this year, we all learned to pivot quickly and adapt to emerging realities. Many of these students also contributed their thoughts on the challenges of online teaching and learning, which were embedded in the recent 4 blog series found earlier on this page.


Of course, family and friends are the most important facets of my life (even though the Authentic Blue part of me is my least dominant). With my daughter and two grand daughters living with me, and my other daughter’s family ten minutes away, we are in constant contact!

My other two big personal interests are running and records.

I have always enjoyed sports and physical activity. In the past fifteen years or so, I have focused more on running – doing 5 and 10K races from time to time. After Kate’s passing, my daughter and I ran the New York Marathon in her memory (well, we walked and jogged). I decided that I could actually “run” a marathon, so just before the pandemic, I ran one in Celebration Florida, and was fast enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I was accepted, so on October 11th, I will be running the Boston Marathon – another bucket list item to be checked off.

My other hobby is record collecting and selling, and I have over 3000 records (mostly classical and jazz). I have about 750 listed on  for sale, and I’m always looking for interesting vinyl to add to my collection. I recently purchased a 1919 Victrola to play the 78 rpm records I have.

So, that’s my story in a nutshell. I look forward to reading the stories of my colleagues.

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