“The first 10 minutes of the Personality Dimensions® workshop helped me understand some things about you that I haven’t understood for the last two years.”
“Oh my goodness, this is why you do this when we are in the middle of our meetings.”
“I now understand how we are different, but we are different because we are unique.”
I have been facilitating Personality Dimensions® workshops for the last 11 years in the private and public sectors as well as youth-based organizations and in the education system. The above statements came up just recently in a workshop I lead at my workplace. My favorite is the second one; in it my manager at the time had a breakthrough moment about our relationship. During meetings I would typically stop and ask questions and this would always confuse my manager. He wondered why I was asking questions because, in his mind, there wasn’t a need for questions. Once it was clear that we were different colours, and what that meant, he understood this trait of mine.
Let me also describe to you the circumstances of the first and the third quotes. The first quote highlighted how another workshop participant connected with their peers. There was always conflict as that individual just couldn’t understand how someone that they had been working with for the past two years could be so fundamentally different from them. When the assessments were completed, and they realized that one individual was a Resourceful Orange and the rest of their peers were Organized Golds, a lot of light was shed on how the team was structured and some of the conflict that had arisen because of how each colour would complete their task.
Personality Dimensions® helps us understand who we are and how to celebrate our uniqueness’s by showcasing our strengths and providing an understanding for where there are opportunities for growth. As I mentioned earlier, I have used Personality Dimensions® in youth-based organizations, within the education system, and in the public and private sectors. Out of those areas, the greatest impact was on the private sector. There the need for immediate return on investment (ROI) is top of mind. If the companies that I provided the training for had not seen that immediate ROI, the program would have quickly been discontinued. Rather, after the initial 3 hour workshops (the self-assessments were completed online before the workshop) there were multiple applications workshops to help support everyone from management to front-line employees develop practices that would best serve their customers – and increase sales.
As a result of the “oh my goodness, this is why you do this during a meeting,” realization, meetings are now structured quite a bit differently. Rather than just being a download of information, the “why?” question is addressed either beforehand or early in the meeting. This has built stronger relationships within the company, meetings have greater impact and objectives are more readily achieved. And all of this was a result of the work we did with Personality Dimensions®. Now an effort is made to ensure that all four colours are represented at each meeting, with the recognition that this represents not only the employee-employer relationship but the customer experience as well
Personality Dimensions® has helped me shape how I have worked with others because I can understand who they are and how to celebrate their uniqueness within the workshops. I truly believe you can have the same experience.
Drew Fockler is the Founder of Cross Canada Corporate Services where he is a Corporate Trainer & Consultant. Drew supports all levels of leadership within an organization to grow their leadership and HR skills. He is a Level II Personality Dimensions® Facilitator, Certified Life Coach, received awards for his contributions towards the LGBT community and Toastmasters Leadership for British Columbia in 2017.
Drew holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Arts & Science, a Master’s Degree in Education and is in his final year of study to complete a Doctorate of Education from Western University.
Drew is also running Personality Dimensions® Level I Certification classes across Canada in 2019. Visit http://www.personalitydimensions.com/training-dates to see when he’s going to be in your city.