Personality Dimensions® – Musings from the Back Office

teacher-and-studentA friend, and also, incidentally, a Personality Dimensions® Master Facilitator, recently told me about a book of short stories called “Hot Apple Cider with Cinnamon.” I found the title intriguing. It evoked great memories of being a student working summers and weekends at a local history museum as an historic interpreter. Autumn meant that hot apple cider, complete with cinnamon sticks, would be mulling over an open fire in one of buildings.

I like a good, weighty book, one that requires my attention for many hours – and I usually have two or three on the go at the same time. A collection of short stories, subtitled “Stories of Finding Love in Unexpected Places” would normally send me running in another direction. However, I am glad that I listened and ordered this particular book.

One story asks how many of us have struggled with our own unique design because of the lack of freedom to discover and express who we are?

This is the story of a teacher who had taken the time to observe and understand one uniquely gifted student and discovered a unique way to help him reach out and join the rest of the world.  The student in this story has autism. But the question applies to all of us from time to time.

As I thought about it I realized that as Personality Dimensions® facilitators we have the tools that enable us to understand those things that make each of us the unique person that we are and then be able to respectfully build communication bridges. That’s quite a gift.

Thanks, Cecile, for getting me to read this book.


Onward and upward from the back office … Denise

Denise Hughes is the Director and owner of Denise HeadshotCareer/LifeSkills Resources Inc. and general editor of Personality Dimensions® materials and products. She just noticed the calendar and realized it is just past the 41st anniversary of her introduction to career and type and temperament materials. Those experiences and the expertise she gained through her years with the Guidance Centre, University of Toronto, and now with CLSR, continue to shape the direction that both Career/LifeSkills Resources and Personality Dimensions® take.

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