I didn’t meet Larry Konyu until Personality Dimensions® was well and truly launched and when I did he radiated his Inquiring Green preference. Since that time Larry’s considerable experiences have honed his understanding of Personality Dimensions® and it has been wonderful to see him grow and truly embrace all of the colours. Larry is one of those quiet resource people who I know I can count on to think about and respond to any questions or thoughts that I may need to bounce off someone with his background and if he suggests something that needs doing I know to pay attention; Larry does not speak without first reasoning through the process himself. It is my pleasure to consider him a colleague and a friend. Onward and upward ~ Denise
Here, in his own words …
“It is an honour indeed to be a Level III Personality Dimensions® Master Trainer. Certifying others in Personality Dimensions® and facilitating introductory workshops have been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of my life.
A brief history:
After graduating from the University of Western Ontario with a B.Sc. in Computer Science and Mathematics, I worked for 10 years as a systems analyst and programmer with companies like Canada Life, Hudson’s Bay and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. This gave me some valuable insight into the issues facing organizations today.
However I have always had a penchant for teaching. I spent the next two and a half decades teaching computer studies. Supervisory roles included being Chair of Computer Studies at Centennial College and Associate Dean, at Humber College in the School of Information Technology and Accounting.
These educational roles, and, no doubt, my Inquiring Green preference, led me to study the art of education at The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, which put me in touch with the latest in educational research. These courses helped me to understand the way people learn.
After retiring from a career in post-secondary education, I became certified in Personality Dimensions® and delivered hundreds of workshops to both business and education with a PD flavor.
I also use the Personality Dimensions® tool to provide bereavement support as a facilitator with Bereaved Families of Ontario – Toronto. This experience required me to use all of my Authentic Blue; something I was not used to and, for many reasons, reluctant to access.
In addition, my volunteer work provided the opportunity to Chair the Education committee for the Rainbow Health Network. I helped develop and deliver Diversity Training workshops to various groups in the medical establishment to heighten the awareness of LGBTQ issues.
Upon reflection, it is so interesting that Personality Dimensions® has not only provided me with a renewed career direction but it has been personally enlightening at the same time. I see myself and others in such a different way. I feel truly complete as a person and much happier as a result. Personality Dimensions® stresses that Inquiring Greens tend to be the most skeptical of the temperaments. But I am here to tell you that I am hooked. In my earlier life as an Inquiring Green with second colour Organized Gold I expected others to achieve my exacting standards and goals. Now, I truly understand the excellence that others bring and can relax. What a relief!!!”
An avid runner, Larry and has completed several marathons and half marathons. He runs about 10 races a year. He is the co-author of Differentiated Instruction: Personality Dimensions® and Learning Styles and is currently working on developing “A Taste of Colour” introduction to Personality Dimensions® for keynote speakers and “The impact of second colour on first.”
Degrees: B.Sc., (Mathematics and Computer Science), M.Ed. (Measurement, Evaluation and Computer Applications) and Certifications/Qualifications: Fellow Life Management Institute; Certified fitness instructor; Grief facilitator and Trainer: Bereaved Families of Ontario.
Larry can be reached at lkonyu@rogers.com or through his website www.kondor.ca.
2 Responses
I really appreciate learning about the PD Master Trainers as their backgrounds and experiences are so diverse. Thanks for continuing with this series of portraits.
I really appreciate learning about the PD Master Trainers as their backgrounds and experiences are so diverse. Thanks for continuing with this series of portraits.