Personality Dimensions® Meet the Authors

Lynn DennisWhen I look back on my career I am often reminded how fortunate I’ve been to know so many great people. And it always amazes me how often the same people have shown up at various points throughout my working life (which, let’s face it, has been rather long so I guess the odds are in favour of this happening, but I still find it surprising). One such person is a colleague who, if I recall correctly, I connected with through a now-defunct professional association in the late ‘80’s or early ‘90’s. It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Lynn Dennis, co-author of PD for Youth Foundations Facilitators Guide.

Lynn Dennis was introduced to temperament theory in 1992 when she started working at the Etobicoke Career Centre with Carol Tumber. This knowledge and self-awareness has benefitted all aspects of her personal and working life.

Lynn continues to use Personality Dimensions® with career counselling clients, colleagues, friends and family.

In training, Lynn never shares her dominant colour. Rather, she wants everyone to think that she is “their colour” and therefore understands the integral parts of their temperament. It is always important that the workshops are delivered honouring all four temperaments … and that the workshops are well organized, delivered in a timely fashion, with lots of practical handouts.

Degrees:  B.P.H.E (University of Toronto), B.Ed. (University of Western Ontario), Ontario Teaching Certificate with Guidance and Physical Education Specialist, OCT (Ontario Colleges of Teacher), Certificate in Guiding Circles, Personality Dimensions Level III Master Trainer, and is qualified to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator


Yours, from the back office …

Denise Hughes is the Director and owner of Denise HeadshotCLSR Inc. and general editor of Personality Dimensions® materials and products. She just noticed the calendar and realized it is just past the 44th anniversary of her introduction to career and type and temperament materials. Those experiences and the expertise she gained through her years with the Guidance Centre, University of Toronto, and now with CLSR, continue to shape the direction that both CLSR and Personality Dimensions® take.

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