Authors of Great Parenting Skills for Navigating Your Kids Personality, Kate and Wayne Jones are presenting at this year’s APTi (Association for Psychological Type International) conference in Miami, Florida. While there, Kate and Wayne had the opportunity to meet with Lynda Berens and Katherine Myers.
Lynda Berens, PhD. is an author, researcher, and trainer who has greatly contributed to the world of Temperament theory. Her book Understanding Yourself and Others: An Introduction to Temperament along with her other work, played a large role in the development of Personality Dimensions®.
Katherine Myers is the daughter-in-law of MBTI co-creator Isabel Myers. Mother daughter team Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers created the first assessment based on Carl Jung’s work on Personality Types; and created the popular four letter type code. While Type and Temperament are historically different streams, (16 types vs 4 temperaments), Personality Dimensions® incorporates Introversion and Extraversion with Temperament theory.
Kate and Wayne will be presenting on Saturday, July 25th at 1:45pm. – This interactive seminar is based on the authors’ book, Great Parenting Skills for Navigating Your Kid’s Personality, which is a product of their popular parenting workshops. Today’s presentation will help increase type expertise for parents and those working with parents and/or kids. Participants will experience how the Personality Dimensions® model helps parents quickly identify their own temperaments and those of their offspring to understand and then relate to them in a positive strengths-based manner.
If you can’t make it to Miami, Kate and Wayne can deliver this workshop at your location. They can be reached through their website http://skills4people.com/