Introverts and Extraverts Come in the Same Four Delicious Varieties

An astonishing 10 years have gone by since the release of my first book, Sp!ash, An Introvert’s Guide to Being Seen, Heard and Remembered.  Within it, I incorporated the elements of Personality Dimensions®, one of the most widely used tools in the area of self-awareness and temperament theory.  One of the most fabulous, useful and differentiating features of Personality Dimensions® is that it acknowledges and explores the important and contrasting expressions and experience of those with preferences for Introversion and Extraversion within each of the four temperaments.

I thought it was time to jump back into that pool for a refreshing dip!  This post begins that exploration on the Introverts’ side of things.  Of course.  The next instalment will give the Extraverts their turn.


The Resourceful Orange Introvert

These folks are most at home in the concrete world; with things that can be seen, touched and used.  They have keen senses, love working with their hands, are born for action, and for making free, spontaneous manoeuvres that get quick, effective results.  They have a natural talent for the arts, are comfortable with risk, and often have “action/doing” type careers such as salespeople, paramedics, pilots, craftsmen.

Core Psychological Needs:  Freedom to act on the needs of the moment, the ability to make an impact now

Talents: Seeing and seizing an opportunity, adapting to the circumstances, troubleshooting, pragmatic problem solving, managing a crisis, creating options

Stressors:  Constraint, boredom, no opportunity to make an impact

When I’m out of energy:  Can display a “don’t mess with me” attitude

As an Introvert, I sometimes feel like I’m missing out on:  Opportunities to do things or have fun.


The Inquiring Green Introvert

This gang gives much importance to intellect and proficiency.  They thirst for knowledge, and seek to know the foundations and principles behind why things are as they are and how things work.  They work tirelessly, and pride themselves on the ingenuity they bring to their work.  They are the engineers, the professors, the scientists, and the systems people.

Core Psychological Needs:  Knowledge and competence, mastery and self-control

Talents:  Strategy, systematizing, inventing, envisioning multiple possible scenarios, using words precisely, classifying, abstract thought, long-term thinking

Stressors:  Powerlessness, incompetence, redundancy, lack of knowledge

When I’m out of energy:  May become intolerant and impatient.  “I’m surrounded by idiots”

As an Introvert, I sometimes feel like I’m missing out on:  Being seen as knowledgeable or competent


The Authentic Blue Introvert

These individuals are passionate about personal growth, and in nurturing harmonious relationships.  They believe that life is full of unknown possibilities and untapped potentials.  Highly ethical in their actions, they hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity.  They are filled with kindness; and they cherish warm intimate friendships.  They gravitate to jobs such as counsellors, teachers, ministers and advocates.

Core Psychological Needs:  Meaning and significance, unique identity and purpose

Talents:  Diplomacy, empathy, seeing and developing potential in others, imagining better futures, seeing ethical issues, advocating for causes or others

Stressors:  Insincerity, betrayal, lack of integrity

When I’m out of energy:  Can become down, less optimistic and idealistic, can appear “plastic”, like faking concern for others

As an Introvert, I sometimes feel like I’m missing out on:  Quality and depth of relationships


The Organized Gold Introvert

These are sensible, down-to-earth people who are the backbone of institutions and society.  They believe in following the rules and cooperating with authorities.  They are careful about schedules, cautious about change, and take pride in being trustworthy, hardworking and reliable.  You’ll often find them in nursing, teaching, accounting, management, administration and police work.

Core Psychological Needs:  Responsibility, duty, sense of belonging, caring for others

Talents:  Logistics, supervising and monitoring, measuring, providing for others’ needs, warning of danger, developing policy and procedures, maintaining and passing on traditions

Stressors:  Abandonment, lack of discipline, insubordination, irresponsibility

When I’m out of energy:  May withdraw from responsibility, complain, sigh

As an Introvert I sometimes feel like I’m missing out on: being appreciated and acknowledged for all that I do


The Good News!

The good news is that, as different as Introverts and Extraverts are, they both come in the same four varieties.  So they share many behavioural similarities!  Stay tuned for the Extraverted flip side!

If you are an Extravert, and would like to be a part of the next article, please forward me your primary and secondary Personality Dimensions® colours if you know them, along with brief answers to the following questions…

  • Core Needs and Values:
  • Talents and Strengths:
  • Stressors:
  • When I’m out of energy/not at my best/:
  • As an extravert, I sometimes feel like I’m missing out on/messing up with:

I’d love to hear from you!


Carole 60Carole Cameron is an accomplished speaker, facilitator, coach and author with over 25 years’ experience helping organizations, individuals and teams maximize their personal and professional effectiveness.  Carole is recognized for creating powerful and memorable learning experiences, and for making more than a little room for humour and fun.

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