Colourful Resolutions

Making New Year’s resolutions is a time-honoured tradition where people from all over pledge to do better in the new year, and then promptly break those resolutions within the first week. Let’s face it, we’ve all done it at some point. As you read through this post, that may or may not be based on actual people in the author’s life, 😜 don’t take it too seriously. While the days are short, and the weather is less than ideal, now is the best time to have a laugh at our own expense.

Authentic Blue

“This year, I am going to start saying ‘no’ to the demands of others, and put myself first.”

Result: Ends vacation break early, and returns to work to fill in for colleague who took last minute holiday. Also ends up volunteering to coach U5 hockey team, despite having no children that age.

Inquiring Green

“This year, I resolve to listen to the ideas and opinions of others without turning it into a heated debate.”

Result: Gets into an argument with an Organized Gold about the origins of New Year’s resolutions and the correct number to make. Resolves to think about it, and try again next year.

Organized Gold

“This year, I resolve to be more spontaneous, and less systematic.”

Result: Unwraps new day planner book on January 1st, immediately fills out contact information on page one, and schedules weekly spontaneity for the next 12 months.

Resourceful Orange

“This year, I resolve to focus and turn one of the activities I am passionate about into a successful side-hustle.”

Result: Dives head-first into researching how to start a business, but discovers 7 more things to be really passionate about along the way. Shifts focus to perfecting new passion before making it a business.

Broken New Year’s resolutions aren’t a sign of failure, they’re a sign that maybe the bar was set too high, or some things just don’t need to change. We all have our superpowers, but even superheroes have their shortcomings. As you navigate your way through the year, focus on your superpowers and the strengths you bring to the table. There’s always time for self-improvement…even if it is a year away.


Brad Whitehorn – BA, CCDP is a lifelong introvert, and the Associate Director at CLSR Inc.  He was thrown into the career development field headfirst after completing a Communications degree in 2005, and hasn’t looked back!  Since then, Brad has worked on the development, implementation and certification for various career and personality assessments (including Personality Dimensions®), making sure that Career Development Practitioners get the right tools to best serve their clients.

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